Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

leaving on a jet plane...

im done with the packing,yay!! fuhh!! packing for 5 people has never been easy,peeps!! tell me bout it.. ;p balik kampung, raya, short getaway, family vacay...its all on me...and with me being the just-in-case kinda girl,makes it more interesting ...and one sweaty experience,mind you...

nevertheless,enjoying it in someways...speaking of which,we're off to bali this thursday,yay!! cant wait!! hope i have packed everything that we need - well,at least what i thought we might need,but ben warned me not to bring so many stuffs,haha!! shopping in mind,darling?? me likey... *wink*wink*

munchkins has been counting days,they're super excited,hehe...cant blame them tho,its our first time flying all 5 of may sound scaree,but im counting on my lady luck to stay close,at all times!! haha...i've lost count on how many times i told the munchkins as to how to behave inside the plane,iskk...hope they remember to behave,fingers crossed!! my munchkins,they're curious as a cat...hence,the paranoid...but im being optimist and hopefully there'll be others passengers with small kids as a diversion,haha!! ;p

wish us luck,ok people?? anyway,here's a teaser as to where we're going to stay while we're at bali...

later skater....