Monday, March 29, 2010

the curious case of adlan,again...

the downside after having a good holiday,even after staying at holiday inn, OF LAUNDRY!! haiyooo...cannot tahan laaa...

actually,i dont mind doing the laundry,basket after basket,really...hanging the clothes on the lines?? easy peasy...but,the folding part thats killing me the most,yikess!! hate it to the core,totally!! but,gotta do what one supposed to do aight??

so,today,while im folding the mountain-high-piles of clothes,suddenly i have adlan coming to me with tears running down his cheecks...i was panic at first...numb,i mean,he was playing games a moment a go...and then...

me : abang,whats wrong?
adlan : mommy,i think im going to die..(while still crying his heart out...)
me : huh? why??? (i was thinking,seriously???...hishh..)
adlan : coz im bleeding...(pointing at his nose,with a blood stained still at the ring of his nostril...)
me : no laaaa,u're not dying laaa,abang...u juz had a nose bleed only,small problem only laaaa..(while trying hard not to laugh... hehehheh...)
adlan : ye ke?
me : yessssss.... (n give him a my bear hug,hehhe...)

after that,i grabbed a few tissues and quickly wiped off the blood stained,and showed it to him to make sure he my relieved,he stopped crying and started to relaxed...such a drama king eyy?? he always has a way to surprise me,or schocked me to be precise,hahahha...

thats my adlan...but i love him,no matter what...btw,ben said that me and adlan are very much alikes in every way,iskk,really?? so,am i a drama queen as well? oh my....but,i blame no one else for my boy's extra sensitivity,hehehe...guilty as charge!!

ok laaa,need to finish my unfinished will be upload soon,when ive time...

later skater...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

malacca - revisited..

off to malacca till friday...

inittially, been planning to take the munchkins during the school holidays,but since my darling ben was too tied up,thus,post school holiday's it is...

after all,any sorts of family vacation will be put on halt in the meantime...will resume back after my confinement,heheh...

later skater...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

alice in wonderland...

finally,managed to take the munchkins to watch the most talk about movie...they've been talking bout it since they laid their eyes on it for the first times,on one of the billboard placed along the highway,somewhere...hmmm,luckily there's johnny depp,or else me + ben will definitely assigned this tasks to mak ngah + auntie,hehehhe...sorry,galss...but u know la kann,this is soo not ben's genre,so not him...but for the love of his offsprings,hehehe,layan kan jek...

then,they decided to do the sand art...and again,layan kan ajek...

btw,adlan's birthday is juz two weeks away and im yet to think of anything,yet,ouchhh...what to do this year? hmmm....ive got brain freeze out of sudden,iskkk!! need to think hard...SOS!!

till then...

Friday, March 12, 2010

tik tok tik tok...

my hospital's bag is almost done...juz a few more things to chuck in there,then im done...n so as my baby's bag...pending newborn diaper jek...that one can buy later,so,no hurry...

all the baby's clothes yet to be washed ...but,already put aside...hmmm,juz need to soak it in vanish n nappikleen...but,when to do laaaa,so malas rite now...

still in my berangan mode,as if ive got plenty of times...tau tau baby dah pops out,mau gelabah,hishhh...

there are still few items that need to be purchased,so,maybe we'll get it done by this weekend..or any other weekend..depends,heheh..

well,juz hope that i can get it all solved before my EDD...fingers crossed!!

till then...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

black? brown? or peach?

we all know that kids have their own way with words...and as they grow older,they tend to shower us with lotsa questions...n as a parent,we as much as possible tried to answer their questions,be it in a diplomatic way,funny way or any other way,till they satisfied ...n funny enough,its also a learning proses for the parents as well...

so,last we're going to bed...adlan suddenly drop a bomb to us,his daddy in particular...n i cant help myself from laughing...hehee,...its funny tho,coz i never thought that its going to be something like an issues for him...

anyway,the conversation went like this... :

adlan : abang n daddy black,mommy n yaya peach...
daddy : abang not black...we're brown...
adlan : abang dont want brown...i want peach...

( me n ben starts smiling now...)

daddy : u are my son,thats why u are brown...juz like daddy
adlan : but shahrul peach...

( we both knew why suddenly he raised this issue...btw,shahrul is one of his friend at school,and i can say that that boy is fairly fair,if u know what i mean...)

me : shahrul peach because his parents are peach...atuk is brown,n that is why daddy is also brown...because atuk is daddy's father...
daddy : abang is daddy's son,so thats why abang is brown juz like daddy...
adlan : ok laaaa... (even tho i knw he's still wasnt satisfied....)
me : its ok la abang,brown or black...mommy n daddy still luv u..u r our son...

then,after nite2 n kiss2...we all went to bed...n thats when me n ben realized that our baby boy is no longer a baby...he's grown up n we have to get ourselves ready as and when he bombarded us with lots more of this 'weird' questions ... i wonder,what will comes next?? oh my...

hmmm,n they said that kids dont care bout colors?

later skater...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

its working...

i did mention on my previous entry that we're going to see the dematologist again yesterday,rite?? n he did prescribed me with a new medicines...lots of antibiotic that are safe for me+baby...

n the result??

last nite,for the first time in my pregancy period,im sleeping like a baby...seriously!! alhamdulillah,its working this time,unlike before where i hardly sleep a wink at nite,sheshhh...but last nite,its totally more more tossing n turning on the to lalaland in juz a split second...sedar2 my darling ben already dressed up n ready to for work... ;)

my darling ben also played a big part in the succesful nite of mine,hehhehe... why u ask? because he took care of the munchkins n put them to bed,i can juz jump on the bed n zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....tq,daddy... uve been a tremendous help...muachsss...

till then...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

for a stronger me...

this time around,my pregnancy didnt go as smooth sailing as ive experienced before...more like a roller coaster ride,i must say...there's drama from beginning...unlike my first n second pregnancy...

first,i had a terrible morning sickness in my first trisemester,which leave me fatique and restless,due to eating problem...i barely eat...i cant even drink milk,so i opted for soy bean intead...

then,there's nausea's issues...anything that has smell with it,or in it,will definitely made me puke...practically,every morning...till ive got nothing left inside me...

when i entered my second trisemester,those problems disappeared...vanished into thin air,nice huh?? not too came with a territory,which in my case,ive developed this horrendous heat rash...n with the current global warming,it did more harm than good i must say...phewww!! ive been avoiding looking at the full length mirror for quite some times...but alhamdulillah,it subsided...thanx to all kinds of creams,tablets n what not....

i was relieved!!,finally i can go thru my last trisemester with a breeze...but,clearly,He got something stored for me...

for the last two weeks,ive experienced an another heat rash,but nothing similar to my previous developed in merely in two weeks,...less than two weeks!! and its far more worst than the previous...subahanallah!! went to see the dermatology,but seems like the cream didnt work on me this,we're going there again today...*sigh* id cried almost everyday...but,thank god ive got my ben,im truly blessed...alhamdulillah...he's even took leave today despite the workloads...tq for willing to bare all this with me...ich liebe dich...

id cried like almost everyday...but my mama always reminded me that "He will never test His ummah more than they can take",i juz hope that i am strong enough to endure this test,but of coz with endless doa,effort n most importantly all helps that i can get from everybody around me...

n i juz hope that i can stay sane,stay positive n strong for this baby of ours...maybe an easy peasy delivery is waiting for me in the other end,i dunno...but,i wont give up hope n juz redha with all that has been written for me...insyaAllah...

i know,some of u might say that there are peoples whose has been thru a lot worse...but,all im saying is this is my experienced...n by far,is the most challenging one,physically n mentally...

till then...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

its humid...

my oh my...

is it because of me being pregnant,or the weather has been extremely hot rite now??

guess,ive to live with the aircond's on till the baby pops!! sure my bill mencanak,hehehe...what to do...

later skater...