september 12 2009,marked my gal's 3rd birthday...gheeezz,it feels like only yesterday i gave bothto her,hmmmm...n now she's already three...and in the next two years she will starts her pre-school...already?? but,she will always be my baby gal,always...
but since its ramadhan,we didnt plan for any party,pardon my malas mode (sorry yaya....),rite after an iftar at nando's,we took her to baskin robbins instead,to get her a cake,n she was thrilled...look at her face!! she's beaming eventho it was a simple n small one...well,since we didnt make any prior order,we juz have to settle with only fews designs that has been made least there's something in pink,lucky her...
the birthday gal...
the cake was yummmeh...
brain freeze!!
somehow,she forgot that it was an ice cream cake,funny her...
waahh cutenyer icecream cake tuu...looks sooo tempting...nanti celebrate besday kat umah aunty gak nak..kita wat bbq sekali...bestnyerr..sure happening...
sis,can...can...nanti kite set date ye...hehhehe....
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