Tuesday, October 21, 2008

happy eid...

happy eid everyone...

i know its late,but since its still syawal,so its still is relevant...its been ages since my last posting,i know it'll sound cliche but been "busy"...hehehe,so much things to do,so little time,wish i've more time with me,...some kind of wishful thinking huh? anyway,glad that our hari raya been a smooth sailing despite the "rain storm" at sp....but still grand,no doubt...having to see all the familiar faces again,catching up with each other,so one couldnt wish for more...i think thats the beauty of hari raye...everybody seems to forget bout work-n-stuffs and just savour the day with joy n happiness,GRAND!

and as for me,im glad that my two lil' munchkins also enjoying themselves in their own ways...i cant forget that morning,after solat raye when all of us "bersalam-salaman",they also join in,hehehe,so cute...im holding on my tears as they sit before me n my hubby,mumbling something like 'selamat hari raye' n maaf zahir batin' in their own way....isskkk... till then...

adia with wan n mak tok...

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