aint she's one lucky baby?? ;)
received this on last sunday....hehhehe,nenek made this for her new cucu,tq mak ^__^ ...luv it to bits!!...
she has this pair of magic hand that can turn almost every dull fabrics into something else,if u know what i mean....very neat, n i adore her craft i wish im like that,which clearly am not ;p ...btw,she's the one who taught me how to sew,for free, i lucky or what??
but since her eyesight has deteriorated due to age factor,she kinda give it sad kan?? espcially when her not-so-talented menantu paid a fortune for something that is do-able,iskkk...well,what can i always find an easy way out,hehehe...*read : plain lazy* ;p
but she always make an effort to made something for the cucu's..esp. for my two gals...
she made this when adia was born...
till then...