last friday,adlan celebrated his 6th bday... uikks?? 6 yrs already?? so quick kan?? i knowww...for all u know,pejam celik pejam celik next year dah standard one,haiyoooo....
so,like any other year,he insisted to celebrate it at school...well,nothing new huh?? indeed...i was thinking to do some makan-makan at home,well,since we're already at shah alam now...closer for the family and friends to come over,but he shoot me back by saying "whose birthday is this? abang kan?? " huihh,very 'the' dictator okeyy?? even when we went shopping for stuffs for the goodies bag,he decided everything...i repeat,everything!! fuhh...he's sooo like me,hahahah!! whenever i pointed at something,he will shoot me back with the similar question,waaahhh...parah,in the end,we juz let him have it his way....anyway,its his birthday,aighttt??
then,after school,his aunties took him n adia (n along with mommy...) to shop for his present...heaven okeyyy??to received a present on your birthday is one thing,but having a chance to choose one?? sweeettt!!! n that is why yours truly feels the need to tag along,or else my lovely SILs can go bankrupt,u knoww,hehhehe...
there's more u know... ;p
so,to m'ngah n auntie...tq for the wonderful gifts...both of u have spoiled them rotten,,there'll only be books next year onwards, if kan? u know adlan too well...he's a toys junkie...anyway,million thanxs for the time n money spend ;)
and as for adlan,mommy+daddy will always love u,no matter what...brown,balck or peach,u r our only son,n we love u to bits...muahss!!
till then...
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