Thursday, September 2, 2010

anna olson wannabe...

last week was an experimental week for me..n why is that?? because im doing something that i havent done for years,as in over 10 years....really!! i really thot i'll mess up big time,but seems like still got the touch,even tho the result not so fantabulous,but hey,giving that i aint venture into 'this' particular department for loooong time,i should get a pat on my back,at leasttt... ;)

anyway,thanx to ben who forever bugging me bout not doing anything with our super gorgeous oven (its so big,so im a bit intimidated by the size actually,hehhehe...poyos?? i knowww...)

so,took that as a challenge ;p ...n i finally come up with these two... ^_^

my first attempt : chocolate brownie...easy peasy...but,a lil' bit hangit at the bottom,HAHA...failed giler when it come to timing,eventho mine was soooo not born to be a chef,hhehehe...

then,i lower my expectation...n come up with something less complicated,which is chocolate chip cookies...n the verdict ?? again,a lil' hangit at the bottom...HAHAHA!! i was like,seriously?? like really??

then i realised,i didnt convert Farenheit to Celcius (coz mine come with C,while the recipe used F instead...),i blame the temperature instead!! woohooo!! i know,pathetic aight??hehheh... gonna try again today...some easy peasy cookies n i really hope i didnt burn it again,OMG...malu wehhh... ;) wish me luck yaaa....n i do really need all the lucks in the world,base on my last two attempts, to be like anna olson la like thiss?? always burn not oven savvy...hehheh...

will let u know the outcome ^_^ ...

till then....

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