hectic!!...what with the post-eid unpacking,pheww,cam beranak je bag everytime we came home,i wonder why,heheh.... ;p but,its done....finally...
hectic!!...my darling ben is now officially a weekend daddy/hubby,hehehe...he's reporting at hq,kl...pronto!! w.e.f. oct 1st,crazee!! actually,his transfer has been ding-dong-ding-dong from i dunno when...by thinking of it drove me crazee,totally!! its a total madness if u ask me...right before eid,i was told that the company has postponed it till april next year,im over the moon!!...knowing that our home will be ready by then,so,that will definitely save us 'headache' to find a house to rent...
so,off my ben to kl...while i stay here with the munchkins till adlan finish his pre-school (for we already paid his fees till final term,it would be a waste if he juz quit...thats a lotsa of money we're talking here...it aint cheap,i tell u...) or if we managed to get a home n finding a centre nearby,we can juz tranfer him over (well,easier said than done,i reckon...phewww...baru pre-school,dah kecoh...) ...
and to add to my already hectic list (but i must say that this is a good hectic,indeed...) im in my ninth weeks now, ;p ....if u 'know' what i mean... ^__^ anyway,am trying my bestest to juggle everything rite now,n pray that we'll sort things out asap!! hopefully...
n i do believe that everything happens for a reason,i really do...and to quote my mama..'ade hikmah nih...sabarr..' anyway,its not too late to wish u all "SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI,MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN "... mine was superb...will post on it some other time...
p/s : if u're wondering why my boy posed in such way,well,fyi,he refused to let his picture taken that day...so,he will do such act n posed juz to irritate us...for the note,its in every pics,okey...haiyooo..dah cam candid le plak...and as for adia,she insisted on wearing tudung for she saw every gals (women,actually...;p) in the house is wearing one..luckily she got one that matched her baju kurung...till then...
babe! congrats!!!!! an(other) addition to the family huh? hehe... take good care! dont overstress yourself...
p/s: Happy Raya!
babe,tq...tq...u betcha!! maybe u'll follow suit? btw,happy raya to u,too...
me followsuit? errr, dont think so! my number stops at 2! ;)
sorry la lmbt wish. congrat!! hehe.. bertambah la anak sedara.. :P
i thot im fine with 2,hehhe,untill...
tq uncle aboy....
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