Saturday, August 8, 2009

i heart cecelia...

my o' my....

im done with my book ...too soon? u think? well,i dont...i can finish a book (depending on how good is the book) in less than two days,prior to munchkins era...but now,my time are very limited...but i guess im doing good,still...

all in all,the book was really good n im glad when i got to finish it...coz from the day i started with the book,i cant wait to read more,n more...till i finished it today...actually,i was expecting more from her,as usual...upon reading 'the gift',i felt that it has that similarity with her previous book - 'if you could see me now' - another angel-like story,but with a different twist,of coz n this one has a sad ending...which makes it a far cry than the previous a bit unhappy with the ending...well,typical me,,i like it to be a happy ending (yeah, me names... ;p ) or better yet,a typical cliche' ending...something like..."n they all lived hapily ever after ..." but im loving it to bits!! told ya i'll be biased!! what can i say,im a hardcore fan of her' me...duuuh!! like i care... ;p LOL!!

anyway,we went to the cinema today,rite after having our bf...coz adlan make a fussed about the promised that i made to him earlier this week...mind you,it aint my fault actually...the mall has been closed for three days,due to flood - caused by the heavy,to shut his tiny lil' mouth,we dragged ourselves to the mall...with face mask on them,juz to be on the safe side...n went to see G.I Joe...he was torn between that,or Alien on the Attic...but after a minie-miny-minie-moo,he agreed on G.I Joe...huh,like we dont know he will end up on that one ;p ...but as a good parent (we are,right ben?? heheheh...) we juz play along with him...easy that way...less drama,i must say...

and as for my gal,she did something for herself today...which is renewing her personal record,i.e. sleep all thru the movie....perghhh!! hebat btol minah nie...selambe jek tido even with those loud sound effect...aint she's great??

then,we had lunch,more like brunch...before heading thats it people,is the story of my weekend...looking forward for tomorrow...psssttt,its a secret!! ....hahahah...but,will let u know once it is materialised...n by then,it'll be a secret no,crossed ur fingers for me,will ya??

till then...


Che said...

hehe, i got a couple of free pass for GI Joe as well, tengok kat Mid Valley. OK lah, but i like the cartoon version better, somehow..

adaho said...

aboy,adlan yg crazee sgt nk tgk...