Saturday, December 4, 2010


adlan' endless fear w spider sometimes annoy me..I don't mind if its big n fury one,for it scares the hell out of me too..but here,I'm talking bout the teeny weeny lil' spidey,yang juz simbah air pon bley mati...)

i wonder is it normal for a boy? ...heheh,for I know a girl who afraid of nothing..n she's none other than my girl.. LOL!! Yeah,u heard me rite,adia will juz barged in,killing the spidey with her bare hand..n I was like,waah!!so brave aa u..while adlan blurted his gratitude to his sista for saving his life..funny weh!!

anyway,I determined to stop this weird behaviour of his,so i went to him and asked why in the world he was SO scared w the tiny creature..

Me : abang,why do u have to be so scared w the spider?u r bigger than the spider what..
Adlan : nanti if the spider bite abang nanti,abang turn into spiderman nanti..mommy nak ke??
Me : huh??

so,there you go...i was gobsmacked!! but,he has a point tho...
for what ever reasons,mommy will always lurves u,adlan parker... ;)

later skater...

1 comment:

wafa irdina said...

haha mesti cumel kan :)