Tuesday, September 20, 2011

happy bornday to me...

today,im a year older. more wiser? i dunno. perhap. ive grew a lot thru the year n i really hope somehow,it will turn me into somewhat a better me,if not perfect. and what ive learned?? here's some to of it...

  • there's lotsa things to be done in order to achieve my dream(s),yeah,ive got several dreams,pathetic that is,but i dont give a damn. sacrifices is crucial,hence im pushing myself hard. VERY hard indeed.

  • im sick of people judging me,but who am i to judge them. let them be,for i will not care.

  • myself is my priority,and so as my family n good friends around me that has been there thru thick n thin. thats all that matter.

  • people may talk,or bring me down but i'll make sure that in the end of the day,the joke is on them.

  • hatred is bad,but i found that that its the best motivation ever.

  • be in loved,and u'll be grand for love is what one need the most.

anyhoo,im blessed each day with what ive been given ; the lurves around me and the life i had. may my life will forever been blessed. God permits.

so now,blow d candle(s)...its getting more n more each year,hehe..


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