Sunday, April 12, 2009

im IT!


The Instruction:
Now, here's what you're supposed to do...and please do not spoil the fun. Start a new note, delete my answers and put in your own. Tag all your friends and tell them to tag you. The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known things about each other.

Three Names I go by...
1. Jazz
2. Girl
3. Ayin

Three Jobs I have had in my life...
1. Secretary
2. Cashier (while waiting for SPM's result...)
3. ive only had two ;p

Three Places I have lived...
1. Miri,Sarawak
2. Senai,Johor
3. Sri Gombak,Selangor

Three TV Shows that I watch...
1. The Duke
2. Project Runway
3. Boys over Flowers ( i heart Jun Pyo *drool* ....)

Three Places I have been...
1. Singapore
2. Thailand
3. Zooming Malaysia...jalan2 cari makan...

People that e-mail me regularly...
1. My lil' bro
2. My galfrens
3. My lil' bro's awex,Miss Ceila....

Three of my favorite foods...
1. Laksa (im a truly kedahan,waddaya expect??...)
2. Sushi (even my ben has developed d same interest,heheheh,am i good or what?? ;p)
3. All kind of dessert,heaven!!

Three things I would like to do...
1. Spend a nite at The CLub,..OMG!! i luv that place...
2. Holiday abroad,hmmm...
3. To kick up some business

Three friends I think will respond...
1. Mommy of Triplets (if she's not that tied up...;) )
2. Nana (for its been a while...)
3. who ever that thinks that she's a fren of mine n have lotsa time to do this... =)

Things I am looking forward to...
1. A brand new lappy
2. Vacation
3. my birthday,heheheh...

taraaa!! easy peasy ,hehhehe...

till then...

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