Friday, December 24, 2010
clumsy is my name...
I fell right on my bum on my recent visit,which got my babah panic n my mama speechless..crazee I tell u..hehe..tros my babah mop lantai after that ;p hmmm,that's a very rare scene,one won't see everyday..
then,I fell down the stairs last nite which left them frantic!! coz we're at the hotel,so my mom has come up with this lil crazee idea that 'there' is something pushing me instead,haha!!funny,mom..
latest,hurt my elbow out of nowhere..I was like,heck mann..this is serious!!why laaa .. ;p
anyway,that won't stop me from going to padang kota and enjoying the glorious type of foods there,nyum nyum..I can't wait..
later skater..
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
didi boding ding diboding boding!!
im off will be my busy day (well,as if im not busy enough on daily basis..pfftt!! ) as we're off to sg petani tomorrow,weeehooo!! ive lost counts for how many packing n unpacking ive done this month, it bad or good? ;)
later skater...
Sunday, December 19, 2010
both me and ben agreed that that's the VERY word to describe adia,nowadays..its been a couple of weeks since she's behaving like that..we're still figuring the reason,the ReAL reason behind this peculiar behaviour of hers..really,its bothering us and its killing me,literally..knowing that somehow or rather my split attention between the three of them has leads to this,iskk.. :(
I know kids won't juz lashed out for no reason,but she minute,she yelled..then,she's laughing n giggling away like nothing matters..then,the next thing u know she's screaming from the top of her lung,juz coz..JUST CAUSE!!how irritating is that??hIshh..
I'm telling u,she's driving me nuts!!I cried several times..yeah,I know..but I'm so stressed out I donno what to do..even ben was left clueless..I've tried,as much as possible to give my fullest attention to each of my munchkins,but I know I'm not perfetc..I'm far from perfect but I'm tryng here,VERY HARD infact..but seems like my hard its not enough.. :( I'm so afraid that I can't pulled this off..wonder how's the other mothers did this..coz I'm about to give up..
I juz hope that its one of the growing up phase for her,I really do..for I want the best for my munchkins of coz..and seeing adia like this really freaked the hell out of me,to be franked..I'm crossing my fingers that she'll be back to her normal self when the school startm.for I know she'll has a rite medium to channel every energy in her,be it positive or negative..
so,for my darling adia,I know u won't be reading this,juz yet,but I juz want u to know that mommy lurves u so very much..VERY VERY MUCH!!so,rebel no more,k..muahsss!!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
on the move..
went for a quick vacay with my in-laws last week..n it was a bliss!!the munchkins was more than happy..besides getting a few tones darker,I think I'd gained a few pounds,kudos to none other mak..we had a food galore over there!!munching non stop!!crazee I tell u..haiyooo!!heheh.. ;) but heck,will have to arrange for another one la,sisters..hehe...
n the craziness won't stop there..we're off to penang next week with my parent ;p ..makan lagiii!!padang kota here we come..wehooo!!
well,maximise all the time we've got before the school's start for I've two schooling kids next year,n by looking at it,we're not going anywhere till school holiday,pfft..
till then..
Sunday, December 12, 2010
just us..
adriana will juz has to make a tiny lil sound,and in merely second chumyn will definitly come to the rescue..pfft..apart from psp,adlan entertain himself wrestling with chumyn endlessly,which leaves adia green with envy coz nobody wants to play with her..but not for long,she juz have to wait when chumyn transform herself into somewhat younger,they will surely making a hell of a mess in adia's room playing dolls..yup,my lil sis has plenty of character in her.. ;)
but with her out of picture,the munchkins tend to rebel a lil bit for I've to split the ttention and thats seems not enough for them..not like when their chumyn's laaa kan..
and that's also means no more full course meals cooked by mom,sobs sobs..well,I'm not that domestic unlike my mom..thanx to her,we've been stuffed to the max..haha!but more to our surprise is that my dad don't mind to stay here for more than two nites..which in many cases,he's the one yang kecoh nak if there's kambing or itik to look after back home..this would be his longest time being away form his kolam,if u know what I mean..he's definitely a hardcore fisherman,or 'nelayan' as he likes to refer himself to..
hmm,but we're doing fine now,for next tuesday we're off to pd for a quickie with my in-laws,cant wait!!wohoo!one can never say no to smells of the ocean,eventho its only at tanjung tuan,but heck,its still a holiday,no? ;p
so,have a good weekend for we definitely going to do so..
later skater..
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
when he turns..something something ;p
day n nite..
rains,or not..
even in ur 40s,or 50s,or 60s,or 70s,
or maybe 80s,or 90s,insyaAllah..
I will lurves u,still..
happy birthday,ben..
ich liebe dich..
and so as the munchkins..
happy birthday,daddy..
we lurves u,no matter what..
Saturday, December 4, 2010
i wonder is it normal for a boy? ...heheh,for I know a girl who afraid of nothing..n she's none other than my girl.. LOL!! Yeah,u heard me rite,adia will juz barged in,killing the spidey with her bare hand..n I was like,waah!!so brave aa u..while adlan blurted his gratitude to his sista for saving his life..funny weh!!
anyway,I determined to stop this weird behaviour of his,so i went to him and asked why in the world he was SO scared w the tiny creature..
Me : abang,why do u have to be so scared w the spider?u r bigger than the spider what..
Adlan : nanti if the spider bite abang nanti,abang turn into spiderman nanti..mommy nak ke??
Me : huh??
so,there you go...i was gobsmacked!! but,he has a point tho...
for what ever reasons,mommy will always lurves u,adlan parker... ;)
later skater...
Friday, December 3, 2010
anyhoo,malacca was great!! i heart malacca...feels like time is slipping by while we were there...tup tap tup tap,dah malam...then,as we know it,its checking out time,haiyaaa...n this time around,we stayed at equatorial since its walking distance from the grand pahlawan mall...hence,shopping like crazeee ...
my lil' sis tagged along,thus the less pening kepale chasing after the very own bibik,heheh...
pics will be uploaded later...
so,later skater...
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
so many things to blog,but am so malas to write,how laaaa....
nite nite,peeps...
Thursday, November 11, 2010
but,lucky me its only for one nite...n thats what makes me hates year end even more...its when ben will be super busy,thus leaving me handicap,again n again...heck,ive to suck it up...n stop whining,iskk...
btw,my lil sis got 5As for her UPSR...hehheh...n she's over the moon,n so as my mom n babah...actually,they're more excited than her really...typical eyy?? the parent yang lebeh,anak cool jek..heheh...guess its normal to be thrilled over ur offspring's success...
later skater...
Friday, November 5, 2010
adlan's concert...
anyway,cant wait to see my baby all geared up in his white jubah and receiving the scroll,heheh...his first one before many more to come ;p i know...i knoww...the mommy yang poyos rite? oh well,who cares!!
then rite after that,we're off to sp,for my mak su has been unwell since raya,for no particular reason actually,iskkk,and my paksu took her home already coz doctor seems to not find anything wrong with her,and according to my mom,she's so frails,my poor mak su...she is such a good person at heart that i know...well,hope things will turns out fine tho...
and not to mention to jenguk my mak ngah and mak lang who has been affected with the flood at jitra,poor them... :( its their second actually... am not sure if we can even go there,for what ive read the water level still high tho...iskk...right now they're staying at my cousin's house,and i assume its out of the banjir area...
anyway,juz pray that everythings will turn out fine...n hopefully we have a safe journey...but first,im going to relax a lil' bit...sit back n enjoy my boy's concert first...
happy diwali,everyone... ;)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
my ben will be home tomorrow,yay!!he's off for work from monday,n will only be back on thursday... i cant wait for i need a GOOD rest,like seriously rest!!...its been quite stressful having the kids all by myself,n mind u,ive three!! i wonder how other people with many kids did it?? im about losing my sanity,few times ;p lucky me ive ben on the other end encouraging me thru times,thanx daddy!! ^_^
they throws tantrums likes one after another which leaves me knackered,and not to mention hangin satu badan...totally!!
the only time that i can sit and have a lil' time of mine is when they taking their noon nap,or else ive to wait till aint easy i tell u...but at least, it makes me appreciate my darling ben even more..its much more easier when he's around.... ;)
so to my darling,come home about to burst,hehehh....
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
when the urge kicks in...
mini cuppies for adlan n friends...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
que sera sera...
Friday, October 22, 2010
lil' boy no more?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
more on Najjah...
in the middle of something...
wanna know what is it? haha!!hell no!! ;p
will let u know once ive got it done, ^_^ but rite now,am still in front of my machine operating 'IT' bagus je kan? ntah2 korang x kesah pon,iskkk,malu wehhh!! ;p
anyhoo,juz pray that this project of ours will finally materialize,insyaAllah...AMIN!AMIN!AMIN!
gotta go...i'll keep u posted,no worries aight?? ;)
later skater...
Friday, October 15, 2010
friday im in love...
have i told u that we switched adia's ballet class to friday instead of saturday,like before? well,its kinda hard to get around on saturday when she's having her class...she'll be knackered by the time her class end,n doze off the whole day...
so,when the teacher told me that they have new class on friday,id say yes pronto!! but the downside is that the class ends at 7.30pm, which left me drove home like a mad women to rush for maghrib...
but what to do? one can never have it all aight?? its either chaotic friday or a laidback weekend? i'll choose the later,so i dont mind the chaos, i?? really? ;p
so,later skater...gotta get my ballerina's bun's up...haisshh...
Thursday, October 14, 2010
midday black out...
Friday, October 8, 2010
hello world!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Najjah : Printed Shawl....
Pink Safari by Najjah... SOLD!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Najjah : Re-stock...
Tudung Bawal by Najjah...Yellow, Deep Blue
006 Plain Syria w Beading by Najjah...Purple w SilverBeading, Black w Silver Beading
002 Plain Syria w Soft Awning by Najjah...Mid Turqoise
010 Plain Inner w Soft Awning by Najjah... Offwhite, Brown, Grey
Monday, September 20, 2010
the day i was born...
- my loving parent,who always there for me thick n thin,no matter what,
- my wacko siblings,who forever gimme headache n fun,
- my wonderful PIL,who accept me as i am,n love me as much,
- my gorgeous SILs&BILs,who never sidetrack me even tho im juz an outsider,they welcome me in the family with all their heart,
- ....and im more than grateful to have my friends all over the places,who always there for me no matter truly blessed!! alhamdulillah....syukur.... ^_^
Sunday, September 19, 2010
tony stark??
adlan : why mommy put abang's name adlan?
me : why?
adlan : why mommy dont put tony stark??
me : ??
heheh...later that day,my ben called him tony for the rest of the day ;) ...
later skater....
Friday, September 17, 2010
Najjah : Re-stock...
001 Plain Syria by Najjah - Offwhite, Coral Pink, Mid Turqoise, Baby Blue, Dark Orange
002 Plain Syria w Soft Awning by Najjah - Mustard, Light Purple, Mid Orange-SOLD!, Black
Shawls by Najjah - Purple Stripes-SOLD!, Pink Leopard-SOLD!, Yellow Stripes
004 Plain Syria (Labuh) by Najjah - Olive Green
so,email me...
Thursday, September 16, 2010
september 12...
its the day when my lil'ballerina turns 4...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
happy eid,everyone...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Najjah : Re-stock...
(Hot Pink-SOLD, Black-SOLD, Grey-SOLD, Olive Green-SOLD, Mid Grey-SOLD, Dark Brown, Deep Purple)
Stripes Shawls by Najjah...Yellow-SOLD / Purple - SOLD!!
Shiffon Shawls by Najjah...Grey / Black
Printed Shawls by Najjah...Grey Leopard-SOLD!
So,make up ur mind me...
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Najjah collections...
Najjah : Update...
Friday, September 3, 2010
Najjah in-stock...

006 - Syria Beaded by Najjah
(Black,Off White,Mid Brown,Dark Grey-SOLD!,Electric Blue + Rose)
001 - Syria Plain Short by Najjah
004 - Syria Plain Labuh by Najjah
002 - Syria w Soft Awning by Najjah
Printed Shawl by Najjah...
005 - Plain Inner by Najjah
Stripes Inner by Najjah
anything yet??
email me :
Later skater...